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of KEY trials

Concept Profile

Delays and gaps in implementation of knowledge compromise patient outcomes.The major barrier appears to be the overwhelming logistical difficulty of systematizing rapidly evolving knowledge and applying it in a consistent and continuous manner in the busy clinical setting.Continuing Medical Implementation Inc. strives to make  invaluable implementation tools and information sheets available to a broader spectrum of physicians to assist in BRIDGING the CARE GAP


Patients: Click here for a guided tour!


Physicians: Click here for a list of KEY Pages and Tools.

Our Mission

To optimize cardiovascular risk in all cardiovascular patients. To reduce the gap between evidence  and implementation.

To shorten the time lag between best evidence and implementation.

To provide community based leadership in evidence based medicine dissemination and implementation.

To provide physicians with patient education materials and patient management tools.

To provide an integrated approach to the management of all aspects of cardiovascular disease.




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